Seriously, who needs a mouse when editing text? — Robert Vanden Eynde
The mouse, that's slow... But trackpad? That's wooorse! — Robert Vanden Eynde
Here is a list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts to edit text, those work even on Facebook,
you don't have to read them but it's useful to write code very fast trust me!
By Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine - Own work, CC0, NOT TRANSLATED Cliquez ici pour voir en grand
Do you know the use of all your keyboard keys?
Symbol | Use |
←↓↑→ | Arrows keys (touches directionnelles) move the cursor. |
⇧Shift | ⇧Shift (Maj. on keyboard from France) allows writing a level 2 character, like the upper case letters, the dot on a french Azerty keyboard or the parenthesis on a US-Qwerty. |
AltGr | AltGr (Right Alt) allows writing level 3 characters like the € on a french Azerty, the key is pressed using the right thumb (⌥ Option on Mac).
Let's notice that some keyboards don't have a AltGr key, one must press Ctrl+Alt.
⌫ Backspace | Backspace (Ret. Arr. for Retour Arrière on keyboard from France) deletes the character to the left. |
Delete ⌦ | Delete ⌦ (Suppr. on keyboard from France) deletes the character to the right (sometimes ⌃Control+D, sometimes Fn+⌫ on Mac). |
↵ Enter | ↵ Enter (Entrée on keyboards from France, Return on US keyboards) inserts a new line or executes a command like send a message. |
⎋ Escape | Very useful in certain applications but is generally part of a functionality that must be guessed, ⎋ Escape (Échap. for (s')Échapper on keyboards from France) goes back to default state, it depends a lot on the applications but this key is often used to go back to the normal state of a programm, like for example when you open a settings menu or a search menu and you want to quickly close it. |
Pause | This key is useless... So I use it as a ⎄ Compose Key natively on Linux or with WinCompose on Windows. |
The classics, let's notice that Ctrl is pressed using the ⑤ little finger of the left hand or on Mac ⌘ Command is pressed using the ① thumb of the left hand.
When I was 10 years old, I learned Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V on the keyboard only, it's like 5 years later I learned that one could do it via right click...
Ctrl + Z | Undo, using left ⑤ little finger finger for Ctrl (⌘ + Z on Mac using the left ① thumb for ⌘). |
Ctrl + C | Copy, using left ⑤ little finger finger for Ctrl (⌘ + C on Mac using the left ① thumb for ⌘). |
Ctrl + V | Paste, using left ⑤ little finger finger for Ctrl (⌘ + V on Mac using the left ① thumb for ⌘). |
Ctrl + X | Cut, using left ⑤ little finger finger for Ctrl (⌘ + X on Mac using the left ① thumb for ⌘). |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+Z | Redo, it's Ctrl + Z inverse operation,
using our left ④ ring finger for ⇧Shift or on Mac we will rather use the left ⑤ little finger for ⇧Shift because the ① thumb is used for ⌘
(⌘ + ⇧ + Z on Mac).
Note: In the majority of my shortcuts, Ctrl+⇧Shift+Stuff is the inverse of Ctrl+Stuff except when the inverse operation is not useful because Ctrl+Z (Undo) does its job very well. |
Ctrl + Y | Redo (Ctrl + Z inverse operation) in some applications that are not based on Linux (⌘ + Y on Mac). |
Ctrl + F | Search! (Ctrl Find) (⌘ + F on Mac). |
⇱ Home | Go to the beginning of the line or the page, can also be used with ⇧Shift to select some text. |
⇲ End | Go to the end of the line or the page, can also be used with ⇧Shift to select some text. |
And now, the infamous ones!
Ctrl+→ | Next word (⌥+→ on Mac). Ctrl (left ⑤ little finger) + → (right hand) if the Left Ctrl is used or Ctrl (right ① thumb) + → (right ⑤ little finger) to use only one hand. |
Ctrl+← | Previous word (⌥+← on Mac). Ctrl (left ⑤ little finger) + → (right hand) if the Left Ctrl is used or Ctrl (right ① thumb) + ← (right ② index finger) to use only one hand. |
⇧Shift+→ | Select a character to the right. ⇧Shift (right ② index finger) + → (right ⑤ little finger) to use only one hand. |
⇧Shift+← | Select a character to the left. ⇧Shift (right ② index finger) + ← (right ③ middle finger) to use only one hand if the ⇧Shift is to the left of the arrow keys. |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+→ | Select a word to the right (⌥+⇧+→ on Mac). Possible to do with the right hand only and a some habits. |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+← | Select a word to the left (⌥+⇧+← on Mac). Possible to do with the right hand only and a some habits. |
Ctrl+⌫ | Delete previous word (⌥+⌫ on Mac), it's very handy to delete multiple words, you just have to hold Ctrl then press ⌫ Backspace multiple times. |
Ctrl+Delete ⌦ | Delete next word (⌥+⌫ on Mac), same note as previous line. |
Double click | Select the word under the mouse. |
Triple click | Select the line under the mouse, or sometimes the whole paragraph. |
⇧Shift+⇱ Home | Select until the beginning of the line. |
⇧Shift+⇲ End | Select until the end of the line. |
⇧Shift+Click | Select from the cursor position until the position of the click. |
It works everywhere even on Facebook! And let's notice that there is a Ctrl and Shift key next to the arrow keys so all of these shortcuts can be done with the right hand only!
Moreover, here are some useful shortcuts when you edit code: :
Ctrl+D | Delete a line (⌘+D on Mac). |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+D | Duplicate a line (⌘+⇧+D on Mac). Sometimes Alt+⇧Shift+↓ |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+↑/↓ | Move one or more lines up/down (⌘ + ⇧ + ↑/↓ on Mac). Useful in order to move one or multiple lignes that were duplicated (the fingers are still on Ctrl+⇧Shift). Sometimes Alt+↓. |
Tab ↹ | Indent the selected lines. Sometimes Ctrl+I. |
⇧Shift+Tab ↹ | Dedent the selected lines. Sometimes Ctrl+⇧Shift+I. |
Ctrl+G | Goto line number n (⌘+G on Mac). Sometimes Ctrl+L (Ctrl Line). |
It also works when you have multiple selected lines, this delete line shortcuts looks very silly but you have no idea how powerful it is...
We spend too much time in our web browser to be inefficient (I ♥ tabs):
Ctrl + T | New tab (then I write my search) (⌘ + T on Mac). |
Ctrl + L | Select location bar (⌘ + L on Mac). Alt+D also works but I think using only Ctrl+Key or Ctrl+Shift+Key is more effective. |
Ctrl + W | Close tab (sometimes, it happens) (⌘ + W on Mac). |
Ctrl+⇧Shift+T | Restore last closed tab (⌘+⇧+T on Mac). |
Ctrl + F | Search! (Ctrl Find) (⌘ + F on Mac). |
Middle click | On a link, open it in a new tab. |
Ctrl+Click | |
Middle click | On a tab, close it. |
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