#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('--langs', nargs='+', default=[])
p.add_argument('--id-splitter', default=",")
a = args = p.parse_args()
assert args.template and args.out
if args.langs:
assert args.lang in args.langs
if (args.lang or args.lang_url) and not args.langs:
raise ValueError('when in lang mode, give list of langs !')
assert args.id_splitter != ''
from generate_utils import OutFileGreen as OutFile
import re
def printret(x):
from pprint import pprint;
pprint([vars(args), x])
return x
def slugify(name):
return name.replace('/', '-').replace(' ', '-')
def replace_markdown(code):
takes a html escaped python string and replace markdown in one line comments
# https://google.be => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
# a link => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
# a link => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
# will not do the job in triple quote comments
lines = code.split('\n')
comment = re.compile('^(.*?#)(.*)$') # this does not work with "#" in strings
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
m = comment.match(line)
if m:
a,b = m.groups()
if a.count("'") % 2 == 1 or a.count("'") % 2 == 1:
continue # we are in a string !
for x in {'ATTENTION', 'TEST'}:
b = re.sub(x, lambda m: '<span class="{}">{}</span>'.format(x.lower(), m.group(0)), b)
b = re.sub('\[([^]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)', lambda m: '<a class="added" href="{}">{}</a>'.format(m.group(2) or m.group(1), m.group(1) or m.group(2)), b)
lines[i] = a + b
return '\n'.join(lines)
def find_para(iterable_of_lines):
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(list(find_para('''\
# Hello
# World
# Let's python
a = 5
world = 2
# wow
# looks nice
b = 2
# Now we do some stuff
# in the house
# That's why we want
# to have fun
[('para', 'Hello World'),
('code', ''),
('code', "# Let's python"),
('code', 'a = 5\n\nworld = 2'),
('code', '# wow'),
('code', ''),
('code', '# looks nice'),
('code', 'b = 2\n'),
('para', 'Now we do some stuff in the house'),
('code', ''),
('para', "That's why we want to have fun"),
('code', ' ')]
from itertools import groupby, chain
for key, values in groupby(iterable_of_lines, key=lambda x:x.lstrip().startswith('#')):
if key == False:
yield 'code', '\n'.join(values)
it = iter(values)
first = next(values)
second = next(values, None)
if second == None:
yield 'code', first
yield 'para', ' '.join(_.lstrip().lstrip('#').lstrip() for _ in chain([first, second], values))
def group_filter_para(iterable_of_lines):
[('para', 'Hello World'),
('code', ''),
('code', "# Let's python"),
('code', 'a = 5\n\nworld = 2'),
('code', '# wow'),
('code', ''),
('code', '# looks nice'),
('code', 'b = 2\n'),
('para', 'Now we do some stuff in the house'),
('code', ''),
('para', "That's why we want to have fun"),
('code', ' ')]
[('para', 'Hello World'),
('code', "\n# Let's python\na = 5\n\nworld = 2\n# wow\n\n# looks nice\nb = 2\n"),
('para', 'Now we do some stuff in the house'),
('para', "That's why we want to have fun")]
from itertools import groupby, count
C = count()
return [
(a,b) for a,b in (
(('code' if a == 'code' else 'para'), '\n'.join(b[1] for b in b))
for a,b in groupby(
key=lambda x:('code' if x[0] == 'code' else str(next(C)))))
if b.strip()
# other implementation
# L = list(find_para(iterable_of_lines))
#def rnext(default, iterable):
#return next(iterable, default)
## code+ -> code
#i = 1
#while i < len(L):
#if L[i][0] == 'code' == L[i-1][0]:
#j = rnext(len(L), (j for j in range(i-1, len(L)) if L[j][0] != 'code'))
#L[i-1:j] = [('code', '\n'.join(L[x][1] for x in range(i-1,j)))]
#i += 1
### remove empty code
#i = 0
#while i < len(L):
#if L[i][0] == 'code' and not L[i][1].strip():
#del L[i]
#i += 1
#return L
with open(args.filename) as f:
c = replace_markdown(f.read())
L = c.split('\n')
# L = [l.strip('\n') for l in f]
# remove comment line or empty at the beginning
while L and re.compile(r'\s*#?').match(L[0]).group(0) != '':
del L[0]
if L[0].startswith('"""') or L[0].startswith("'''"):
sep = '"""' if L[0].startswith('"""') else "'''"
txt = L[0][3:]
i = 1
while sep not in L[i]:
txt += L[i] + '\n'
i += 1
txt += L[i][:L[i].find(sep)]
except IndexError:
def split_head_body(txt):
empty = re.compile('^\s*$')
d = txt.split('\n')
while d and empty.match(d[0]):
del d[0]
while d and empty.match(d[-1]):
del d[-1]
i = next(
(i for i,l in enumerate(d)
if empty.match(l)),
if i is None:
return '', txt
a,b = '\n'.join(d[:i]), '\n'.join(d[i+1:])
return ('', a) if empty.match(b) else (a,b)
title, description = split_head_body(txt)
title, description = '', ''
i = 0
sections_info = []
while i < len(L):
if (L[i].startswith('##')
and ((i+1) < len(L) and L[i+1].startswith('#'))
and ((i+2) < len(L) and L[i+2].startswith('##'))):
# the three conditions are met, we have a section
section_name = L[i+1].strip('#').strip()
section_id_base = (L[i].strip('#').strip() + ' ' + L[i+2].strip('#').strip()).strip()
section_ids = [a.strip() for a in section_id_base.split(args.id_splitter)] # id_splitter defaults to ','
if section_ids == ['']:
section_ids = []
section_ids = [slugify(section_name) if x == '+' else x for x in section_ids] # the user can write "+" to keep the orginal slug
sections_info.append((i+2, section_name, section_ids))
i = i + 3
i = i + 1
sections = []
for i, (n1, name, sids) in enumerate(sections_info):
rang = range(
n1 + 1,
sections_info[i+1][0]-2 if (i+1) < len(sections_info) else len(L))
block_info_1 = [
(j, L[j][2:].strip())
for j in rang if L[j].startswith('##')
block_info = [
(name, range(j+1, j2))
for (j, name), (j2, name2) in zip(block_info_1, block_info_1[1:])
if block_info_1:
(block_info_1[-1][1], range(block_info_1[-1][0]+1, rang.stop))
if len(block_info) == 0:
('', rang)
('', range(rang.start, block_info[0][1].start-1))
block_info = [
(name, rang)
for name, rang in block_info
if rang # remove empty rang
section_id = sids[0] if sids else slugify(name)
'name': name,
'id': section_id,
'other_ids': sids[1:],
'blocks': [
'name': block_name,
'id': section_id + '-' + str(i+1),
'title': '',
'description': '',
'elements': [
{'is_code': type == 'code',
'is_p': type == 'para',
'data': data}
for type, data in group_filter_para(L[i] for i in block_range)
for i,(block_name, block_range) in enumerate(block_info)
from django.conf import settings
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': ['.'], # if you want the templates from a file
'APP_DIRS': False, # we have no apps
without_extension = lambda x: '.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1]) if '.' in x else x
import django
from django.template import loader
t2 = loader.get_template(args.template)
with OutFile(args.out) as f:
'lang': args.lang or '',
'download_link': args.filename,
'name': without_extension(args.filename),
'title': title,
'description': description,
'other_langs': [
'filename': args.lang_url.format(lang=l),
'lang': l,
'text': 'English here!' if l == 'en' else 'Français ici!' if l == 'fr' else 'Lol',
for l in args.langs
if args.lang != l
'sections': sections,