#White #Dark #txt #download

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function

import os, re
import textwrap
    import html
except ImportError:
    import cgi as html
from generate_utils import OutFileGreen as OutFile
def django_format(template, **args):
    """Difference with django : arguments are SAFE"""
    return re.sub(r'\{\{\s*([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*\}\}', lambda m: '{}'.format(args.get(m.group(1), '')), template)

def format_list_ls_style(li, W=100, FW=None):
    for i in range(0,70,5):
        print(i * '-')
        print(format_list_ls_style(['hello', 'world', 'how', 'is', 'life', 'yo', 'wadup', 'I have'], i))
    li = list(map("{}".format, li))
    if FW is None:
        FW = W
    # assert FW <= W
    if sum(map(len,li)) + len(li) < FW:
        return ' '.join(li)
    M = 1 + max(list(map(len,li)))
    if M > W:
        return '\n'.join(li)
    C = W // M # number of columns
    it = iter(li)
    lines = []
    while True:
                ("{:%d}" % M).format(x)
                for y,x in zip(list(range(C)), it)
        if lines[-1] == '':
            del lines[-1]
    return '\n'.join(lines)

def replace_markdown(code):
    takes a html escaped python string and replace markdown in one line comments
    # https://google.be => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
    # a link => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
    # a link => <a href="https://google.be">a link</a>
    # will not do the job in triple quote comments
    lines = code.split('\n')
    comment = re.compile('^(.*#)(.*)$') # this does not work with "#" in strings
    for i,line in enumerate(lines):
        m = comment.match(line)
        if m:
            a,b = m.groups()
            if a.count("'") % 2 == 1 or a.count("'") % 2 == 1:
                continue # we are in a string !
            for x in {'ATTENTION', 'TEST'}:
                b = re.sub(x, lambda m: '<span class="{}">{}</span>'.format(x.lower(), m.group(0)), b)
            b = re.sub('\[([^]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)', lambda m: '<a class="added" href="{}">{}</a>'.format(m.group(2) or m.group(1), m.group(1) or m.group(2)), b)
            lines[i] = a + b
    return '\n'.join(lines)

from generate_ls import GROUPINGS

if __name__ == '__main__':
    RE0 = re.compile('.*\.(py|php|java|js)$')
    REE = re.compile('.*\.(.*)$')
    RE = re.compile('({})(\d+)'.format('|'.join(map(re.escape, GROUPINGS))))

    def first_key_only_dict(it):
        D = {}
        for a,b in it:
            if a not in D:
                D[a] = b
        return D
    import itertools
    it = itertools.count(1000)
    all_grouped = {
        typename: first_key_only_dict(
                int(RE.match(f).group(2) if RE.match(f) else next(it)),
                (REE.match(f).group(1) if REE.match(f) else '')
            ), f)
            for f in sorted(os.listdir('.'))
            if RE0.match(f) and not os.path.islink(f)
            if f.startswith(typename)
            if 'multilang' not in f
        for typename in GROUPINGS
    } # {theorie: {(1, py):theorie1_begin.py}}
    from pprint import pprint
    import sys
    with open('template_codefile.html') as f:
        TEMPLATE = f.read()
    modifs = []
    for f in os.listdir('.'):
        if f in 'multilang':
        m0 = RE0.match(f)
        if not m0:
        pdf_name = "pdf_{}.pdf".format(f)
        m = RE.match(f)
        if m:
            typename, num = (m.group(1), int(m.group(2)))
            t = (REE.match(f).group(1) if REE.match(f) else '')
        with open(f) as fi:
            res = django_format(
                code=replace_markdown(html.escape(fi.read(), quote=False)),
                codelang = m0.group(1),
                postnav='' if not os.path.isfile(pdf_name) else '''
                    <a href="{}">#pdf</a>
                nav='' if not m else '''
                    <a class="keephash" href="{url_prev}"><img style="width:24px; height:24px; vertical-align: middle;" src="prev.png"/></a>
                    <a class="keephash" href="{url_next}"><img style="width:24px; height:24px; vertical-align: middle;" src="next.png"/></a>
                    <a class="keephash" href="{url_next}">#{name}</a>
                    url_prev = '{}.html'.format(all_grouped[typename].get((num-1,t), 'index')),
                    url_next = '{}.html'.format(all_grouped[typename].get((num+1,t), 'index')),
                with open(f + '.html', 'r') as fl:
                    before = fl.read()
                before = ''
            if res != before:
                with OutFile(f + '.html') as fl:
    print('generate_html:', len(modifs), 'file' + 's' * (len(modifs) != 1) + ' modified' + ':' * bool(modifs), ' '.join(modifs))